Tuesday 25 February 2020

Iphone vs Samsung Galaxy

Which phones are better: iPhone or Samsung Galaxy

iphone vs samsung

See, first of all they have different OS (Operating System). iPhone runs on ios whereas Samsung runs Android but even then I will write about the aspects which are important to be known before buying one of these beasts.

These are two different species of smartphones. Each has its pros and cons. The user should decide what suits best for their requirements.

Apple iPhone 

  • Pros :
    • Betters hardware and build quality : Your iPhone will function the same way it did when you bought it maybe a couple of years. It won’t have any issues until Apple decides to update it to an iOS version which will make it so slow that you would want to replace it!
    • Security : Being a closed environment and proprietor OS iOS/iPhone is considered to be more secure than Android when your data is concerned.
    • Apple Eco-system : For those who use apple products like iPhone, MacBook, iPad, etc. Apple offers great syncing capabilities. If you are working on one device and want to switch to another apple device, its all synced up. Great!
    • Status Symbol : Owning an iPhone is a status symbol (at least it was an year ago or so). People take great pride in showing off the iPhone and the Apple logo - even the cases have a cut out to show the logo.

  • Cons:
    • Price : The iPhones are way costlier than what features it offers. This holds true for buying unlocked iPhones in countries like India. They newly launched iPhone with base version starts at about INR 60,000/- and above.
    • Restrictions in hardware : What is a pro is also a con in this case. Apple offer fixed storage space for iPhones (SD card expansion not allowed)
      Apple charges too much amount for an iPhone with larger storage capacity.
    • Lack of customization : The iOS does not have any scope customization. The layout is almost the same since inception.
      You cannot add themes or change the look of your home screen or icons in an iPhone.
    • Lack of freedom to connectivity : You cannot tranfer files over Bluetooth from an iPhone to another smartphone. It has to be iPhone to iPhone transfer.
      You cannot see the ‘Filesystem’ in an iPhone. Each app will have its own space shared inside and you cannot manage your space as you do in Android.
    • iTunes : This is the mandatory software you must have in your PC or MacBook to sync content from your computer to iPhone.
      You cannot just plug your iPhone into a PC and use it as a mass storage device as you can do with Android.

Samsung Galaxy 

Samsung phones come with advantage and freedom of Android OS.
All cons of iPhone are Pros for Samsung devices.
For those who complain about TouchWhiz - that was true till past couple of years. The Samsung UI from Android 6 is far more refined, fast and has almost no bloatware to slow it down.
Samsung Makes amazing Displays - the Super AMOLED displays are the best for viewing photos and videos on your phone.
Samsung phones are affordable. Anyone can get a Samsung phone starting at INR 8,000/- only and it goes up to INR 70,000/- for the Flagship S8 (for 2017)
So a large number of people have access to and can buy Samsung phones as opposed to iPhone which can be purchased only at higher costs. The cheapest iPhone today is iPhone 5S (16GB) which is a 4 year old device.

So, one should consider the above facts and go for the brand which suits best for their needs and financial capabilities. 

" All depends on what you want your phone to do with your phone. If you want to customize your phone by changing many of the factory settings such a screen colors and changing the look of icons etc. Samsung is your phone.
 On the other hand if you want to get a more secure phone that does not allow you to customize your phone Apple has got to be your phone. Apple is the most secure phone in the world because of this simple fact that apple will not allow anyone into there operating system and as such receives far fewer hacks than any other phone on the market. 
Another security point worth considering is that Apple’s App Store vets all developers software thoroughly before allowing their particular apps to be offered for sale through there store, hence you are 99% percent sure that you will not buy an insecure app. On the other hand the Google Store (for Android Apps) does not implement this procedure, and hence apps could be allowed on their store that introduce malware, viruses or ransomware onto your phone.
 Another of Apples big selling points is that they will never sell any of your personal details on to anyone, this can be proven when no less than the FBI were not allowed access to the San Bernardino Bombers phone with Apple refusing to assist them in this matter because of their stringent privacy policy. Unfortunately by Samsung allowing you to customize  your phone this opens up back doors that hackers will find and use.
 It is also worth mentioning that Samsung don't use their own Operating System instead they chose to use Android which is an open source operating system which means the code can be altered. There is a fine line between allowing customization of the phone at the same time keeping your phones and tablets secure. 
I am not saying that Samsung phones are a bad phone they are excellent as are Apple phones in fact their is very little to choose between them when comparing quality. I personally use an Apple phone and iPad because I have the view that security is the number one feature in a phone or tablet, on the other hand many people would argue that their number one priority is the ability to customize their Phones. 
Everyone is entitled to their own choice. Putting security to one side there are other differences between the two, Apple design their own hardware and their own operating system, the only manufacturer in the world to do so. Apple phones/tablets components are specifically designed to work with each other hence you achieve such things as better RAM memory management, as per example an iphone with 4MB of memory will still run faster than a Samsung phone with 8MB of memory.
 This is because Samsung design their own hardware (which is excellent) but use an off the shelf operating system (Android) as do almost all other phone manufacturers. Subsequently the hardware and the operating system are not designed to specifically work with each other. It is a rarity for an Apple phone to get a virus or such, so much so that it becomes big news if that happens and virtually impossible to get a virus on an iPad because the hardware is built in sections, one section not being allowed into another this stops he propagation of a virus to infect all the other sections within the phone. 
Comparing like for like they both sell at around the same price so that need not come into the equation. Samsung have released their 2019 phones already but we shall have to wait for Apple to release theirs to compare the latest 2019 phones. To conclude both manufacture excellent phones, to me it is a simple decision Security or Customization "

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